Sunday, March 7, 2010


Tonight we went out to one of the Rec Centers entertainment show, and when we came home, Scooter came to meet us at the door all wet. Well, come to find out, our skylight in the bathroom and the kitchen are leaking. Also, our TV doesn't come on. We found out we had some bad lightning and 3 or 4 inches of hail. Well, above is the hail that is still on the patio and I think when we check further, I bet the skylights are broken and that is why they have water in them.
Always something. I think the tv antenna got struck, therefore the dog went to hide in the bathroom, and got wet from the water in the bathroom. Guess we will be busy this week.

1 comment:

Granny Gus said...

Who would believe water issues in the desert AND hail! It was a 'lulu' last night ... looks like caulking is in your future! Thank God you have tile :) BUMMER!